
Chinese Patent Medicine

WeiSu KeLi

Weisu Kela is an exclusive variety of Yangtze River, a dual catalog variety of medical insurance basic drugs, and also the first national pure traditional Chinese medicine stomach medicine in China. It has been selling well for 28 years since its launch in 1993 and has been ranked first in the market share of gastritis and ulcers for many consecutive years. It has been rated as the first brand in terms of product quality and user satisfaction in the Chinese market. The prescription is derived from the 50 year experience of Academician Dong Jianhua and is based on the ancient prescription "Xiangsu Drink". It is the first choice of traditional Chinese patent medicines and simple preparations for patients with qi stagnation type epigastric pain, abdominal distension, belching, early satiety, and postprandial discomfort.

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